Coach Miller Hasn’t Lost It!


In April, Zona Zealots posted an article about how much we adore Sean Miller, and could we adore him any more than we do, the answer is yes!

In the article titled “Coach Sean Miller: Can We Adore Him Any More Than We Do?” We explored all the reasons why fans, me included, adore Sean Miller. One of the reasons we gave was an undiscovered video or two about a 12 year old Sean Miller on Johnny Carson, showing off his basketball handling skills and tricks.

Here is that video:

This week, Coach Miller is holding session one of his annual 2015 Sean Miller Basketball Camp for kids entering 2nd to 8th grade and is following in Lute Olson’s footsteps.

Arizona Wildcats
Arizona Wildcats /

Arizona Wildcats

I remember hearing from Trey Mason‘s mom that both her son and daughter went to the camp each year when they were younger and how much they thoroughly enjoyed it. It must feel special to him now that he a player on the team.

My daughters used to go to Loyola Marymount University basketball camp where Julie got her start in coaching and was the Lady Lions Assistant Coach. I still remember how excited they were when the earned “Camp Champ” or any other award given out to the “few.”  They also learned wonderful work ethic and skills, and the fun was icing on the cake. We are still close to a dozen of the players 10 years later, these experiences are priceless.

I digress…

I was prompted to write another adoration article about Coach Miller when I saw that he was showing off his ball handling skills at his camp, promising more today, thus the follow up.

Yesterday’s skills demonstration:

Promise for more:

Today’s skills demonstration:

On the last day of camp, the kids will be able to bring one item to get autographed by players and coaches. I bet a lot of you want to go to camp just to get an autographed basketball, huh?

Sean Miller has not lost it after all these years, and this Wildcat fan is totally impressed.


Next: Zona Zealots: Week in review 6/1 - 6/7