No. 13 – Celebrate with Kaleb Tarczewski and Nick Johnson after Graduation
After the 2016 University of Arizona graduation marches, Kaleb Tarczewski, and Nick Johnson went to Dirtbags to celebrate Kaleb’s graduation. Zack Rosenblatt reported on Twitter, “My Uber driver claims that he gave Kaleb Tarczewski & Nick Johnson (+ others) a ride tonight and that they both squeezed into the passenger seat.”
Got us thinking, how fun would that be? Spending the day with Nick Johnson (Point Guard for the Austin Spurs), and Zeus all day and into the night with a stop at Dirtbags? Had to be fun. Celebrating the illustrious college basketball career and Eller Business degree Zeus earned at a time when he had nothing but fun on his mind.
You start out at Dirtbags, stop by at Frog n’ Firkin, then hop in another Uber to downtown where you hit every cool club. The former Arizona basketball players got all kinds of selfies with you so you would always remember the night.
When Zeus says goodbye, he tells you he will never forget the night and thanks you for coming and celebrating with him and ends his goodbye with ‘Beardown!’
Next: No. 12