Following his comments in defense of Sean Miller on the Pac-12 Network, Richard Jefferson takes to social media to defend him further.
If you haven’t learned by now, it is that former Wildcat Richard Jefferson isn’t afraid to voice his opinion, and he is not shy about backing it up either, especially when it comes to defending Arizona Basketball coach Sean Miller.
Making an appearance on Pac-12 Network just days ago during the Conference Tournament, Jefferson joined the broadcast to talk Miller, Arizona Basketball, and the self-imposed postseason ban.

Arizona Wildcats
Jefferson first admitted that he felt Arizona did the right thing in withdrawing themselves from the postseason this year and that he felt Miller did one of his best coaching jobs, considering the circumstances and challenges surrounding the team this year.
He even went further to defend why he is a Miller guy…
"“If you were to put him nationally with other coaches and other programs, he would probably be top five, top seven. Coaches like that don’t grow on trees. And so I’m a big Sean Miller guy and I hope that they can turn this around and get going in the future.”"
Maybe not the most popular opinion among some fans right now, however, there is a lot of truth to what Jefferson is saying. Miller is 422-156 (.730), and the truth is there are not many coaches out there with that kind of record, Final Four appearances or not.
Former Wildcat Richard Jefferson doubles down on his defense of Sean Miller, even engaging with fans.
So naturally, because this is such a hotbed issue among fans, a few fans took to Twitter to argue his points, and because Jefferson is not shy about engaging with people on Social Media, he responded in kind.
You’re an idiot on so many levels. Too many to begin. YOU KNOW NOTHING😂. Your knowledge is that of a child and when adults are speaking children should be quiet and learn.
— Richard Jefferson (@Rjeff24) March 14, 2021
Whether you agree with him or not, Jefferson does make some great points, and recent results (which have 100 percent been hampered by the outside noise and investigation) should not outweigh the overall results.