Arizona Wildcats fans share their Dirtbags memories as Barstool is announcing their tournament for the 2022 Barstool Best Bars in a field of 128 college bars.
TO VOTE: Just posted days ago by @UofABarstool:
Tweet out #BestBarDirtbags to vote the best bar in the west into the next round!!! @DirtbagsBar
P.S. We are taking on the losers up in Tempe first-round SO EVERY VOTE COUNTS
In honor of this contest, we thought we would find out if any Wildcats fans had some memories or good stories about their time hanging out at Dirtbags. We asked Wildcats fans on Twitter and were pleasantly surprised! We also asked fans if they had a shirt from the famous bar with a non-stop waiting line.
Jonathan Stone @Zonafantic – No shirt, but partied hard with my boys back in the day!! Love DB’s!!🤣
@YeahBoiWonder – Was big into Ben’s and No anchovies but by the end of my 2nd year, I realized Dirtbags was the way to go.
Ryun @rymart71 – Lived right across the street at Palm Shadows apartments… fact my living room window looked right at DBs. Many many times I stumbled across Speedway into my apartment.
DayLiteFilms @daylitefilms1 – My classic, white, D-Bags shirt disintegrated from wearing it out. Went there the morning after graduation, and wrote a one-act play for my 400 level writing class, based on DB’s. Best memory took place in the ladies room, and can not be shared. 😳😜
Dave fox @davefox96105051 – Tabasco and tequila shots on birthday. Bad decision
The bishop @ZonaFan2014 – I was in a 3-year relationship and it was a rancid breakup over the summer. Came back to school over 21 and hit bags with some older classmates in my frat. Pulled the hottest girl in the bar that night and the slump ended and I never looked back. I went every weekend after that. I also have great memories getting plastered with friends, smoking darts on the patio, taking laps around the bar, yelling at Mark for a pitcher, and singing the classics that jukebox pumped out
Stuart Wright @arizonastu – Yes on current Dirtbags T-shirt (at least the 4th or 5th one to date) and best memory: Eddie Money!!!! 🐻⬇️🍻🍻🍻
Mike @thedirtywop83 – Unfortunately my most memorable moment wasn’t positive. But obviously a staple of the University Community.
@Truthandbeauty0 – Monday night Corona Limons!
@AMountainAppar1 – I grew up and have lived in Tucson most of my life, never been to Dirtbags
Shawn Couzens @CouzensShawn – Worked there as a bouncer and had to sneak Joshua Jackson (Pacey from Dawson’s Creek) out the back gate to avoid the mob out front.
GB @thebrewofgreg – My license plate is on the wall
We even got a few stories from a former Dirtbags bartender.
@HurleyFace2022· I used to bartend there. How many stories do you want? 🙂
#1 Keith Smith tried to use a fake ID on me. He was about 19 and … everyone in Tucson knew who he was. I let him keep the ID, but wouldn’t let him in.
#2 Michael Dickerson having lunch at the bar one summer day. I asked him about the new kid coming in, Bibby, and if he was any good. He just stared at me for about forever, then he slowly started nodding.
#3 Richard Dice started a fight, I jumped bar and onto his back while two other bouncers were also on him. Took everything for three of us to get him to the ground. He was laughing … dude was soooo strong!
# 4 Got into a martini drinking contest (before martinis were cool) with another bartender there one Sunday night. After 9 or 10 each, Julie cut us off … laughing her ass off. She then poured us another. No idea if anyone “won”.
My memory is going with my daughters to Dirtbags on Graduation weekend and we all got a shot called the Scooby Snack and threw it down in celebration. Now it was a wonderful experience, and it took me 9 years of visiting the UofA and Tucson to finally get my butt in the front door of Dirtbags, but Scooby Snack is just one of the many shots you can get at Dirtbags and share with your friends. Here’s a list:
- Alabama Slammer
- Oatmeal Cookie
- Cherry Cheesecake
- Sicilian Whore
- Cocaine Shooter
- Sex on the Beach
- Mind Eraser
- Surfer on Acid
- 911 Turbo
- 357 Magnum
- Fadorade
- Nasty Girl Scout
- Polar Bear
- Starry Night
- Wildcat
- Rubber Ducky
- Some I don’t think we can list here on FanSided ha ha.
We would love to hear your memories! VOTE FOR DIRTBAGS!!!