The Arizona Wildcats baseball team just wrapped up the 2016-17 season. One of the season’s biggest highlights was the play of freshman sensation Nick Quintana. Let’s learn a little more about him with this exclusive interview with his mom.
Flow knows! That’s the nickname given to the 5-foot-10, 187 lb freshman now sophomore from Las Vegas, NV, Nick Quintana. This past season No. 13 for the Wildcats had quite a year. Quintana started all but one game this year and racked up some impressive stats:
- Batting .293
- 17 doubles
- Six home runs
- 38 runs
- 42 RBIs
Also, he was just named a Freshman All-American:
NEWS: Freshman Nick Quintana has been named a Freshman All-American by @CBNewspaper:
— Arizona Baseball (@ArizonaBaseball) June 7, 2017
Here at Zona Zealots, we felt we needed to get to know Quintana a little bit more. So who better to ask than his mom Susie? Below is an EXCLUSIVE interview I had with her:
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Question: Does Nick have any pregame rituals that you are aware of?
“[He] eats a full breakfast, does a workout, arrives early for extra hitting, then chills with his earphones, and music…at least that is what he used to do so can’t imagine it changed at AZ. He’s pretty routine with how he prepares for games.”
Question: What type of music does he enjoy listening to before the game?
“He likes all music except country…lol! AC/DC is his favorite band I do know that.”
Question: What goes through your mind while watching your son play?
“I get extremely nervous watching him, to be honest, because like all mothers you want your child to do well and succeed…and coming in as a freshman to a powerhouse program is a bit overwhelming.
But mostly this year I was trying to enjoy the moment knowing how quickly it goes by. I was so proud of him even when he struggled a bit at the plate and in the field because I know he was trying his best to help the team win.”
HOMER @_Quintana12 Nick "Q" Quintana #BearDown #ArizonaWildcats @ArizonaBaseball celebration video @MamaQ1969 your boy!!
— ZonaZealotsFS (@ZonaZealots) March 19, 2017
Question: What was your favorite memory of Nick this past season?
“I think my most favorite moment was when he texted me a photo of him on his very first away trip to Frisco on the plane so excited. It was a sweet reminder that this game gives players such fun experiences they may not get to experience otherwise…and not always do they have to be on the field. And of course…his Pac-12 Player of the Week honors right out the gate! He was so surprised and humbled.”
Question: Does he have a special place for the awards?
“He has some of his awards in his room on his walls and shelves, but nothing formal. I have some of his USA gold medal stuff in our fitness room which is a small room off our master bedroom with exercise equipment that is baseball themed for my favorite team the Red Sox and my older son’s former minor league teams he played for (Brewers and Braves organizations). I need to make a Quintana room…LOL!”
Question: The hair, we gotta know, what’s the secret?
“Ha ha…not sure! He decided to let it grow last season as a senior, and it’s taken on a life of its own this year! Did you see the video they did of him and Cesar during the media day prior to opening weekend where they were talking about his “gnarly hair”? He said, ‘First I shampoo, then I condition, then I use about 50 different oils, and then I comb it a hundred times.’ It was classic.”
What's the secret to Nick Quintana's gnarly flow?
— Arizona Athletics (@AZATHLETICS) February 6, 2017
👻: full story on az_athletics
Question: Where did Nick’s nickname “Flow Knows” come from?
“It’s something the baseball team started using when they first started tweeting about him. I don’t know who does their team social media…maybe Daniel Berk? One of our local sports columnists/writers used #NickKnock before when he would get a hit. I thought that was clever. Ha ha! It is cool I have to admit!”
Note: The Cloney’s call Nick “Q.”
Question: Anything you would like to share with the Wildcat fans that they may not know about Nick?
“Nick is a very loyal, giving person and would do anything for anyone. Very friend-oriented. He always puts the team first and genuinely wants everyone to do well, which sometimes you don’t always get in a competitive sport like baseball where players are vying for positions. He loves to play the guitar which he hasn’t been able to do this past year at school; he actually taught himself how to play.
His favorite subject in high school was physics. He and his girlfriend Kasey are HS sweethearts and have been dating for almost four years (like his dad and me…we are high school sweethearts). He has volunteered with the City of Las Vegas adaptive recreation program for the past couple years going bowling with disabled adults. Favorite team is the Red Sox too!”
@ZonaZealots @_Quintana12 What a true All American 👏👏 #BearDown
— David Rosen (@sciguyrosen) June 8, 2017
Must Read: More on Arizona Baseball
Zona Zealots would like to thank Nick’s mom Susie Quintana very much for this EXCLUSIVE interview and insight to her son and an incredible athlete, Nick Quintana. Also for having fun with Zona Zealots and supporting us this season. Next time you are at the game or home watching, make sure to chant “Flow Knows, Flow Knows.”