Arizona Wildcats Fans Doing Their Best at Campaigning for Ivan Rabb

Arizona Wildcats Fans are doing their best at campaigning for Ivan Rabb who remains undecided, that is until possibly right after the NCAA Final game or after he finds out who is deciding to enter the draft from the current Arizona roster.

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Ever since we all found out that Ivan Rabb (@YoungIvee) decided not to announce his decision on which school he is committing to the night Arizona lost to Wisconsin in the Elite Eight, Wildcat fans have campaigned for Rabb.

Ivan was previously expected to announce that night, March 28th, but something happened. We aren’t to sure what changed his mind, but he told the world that he wanted to talk to his family first before making this big decision.

It was widespread news that Rabb was down to two schools and was probably going to choose Cal. Cal Berkley is close to his home, needs a star, needs a draw for other players to come to Cal next season, and he even won his CIF (California) state title in their arena. Arizona Wildcats fans and commit for next season Allonzo Trier have done a great job campaigning for him on Twitter.

Although I have been told be a reputable source that this tweeting and begging is an NCAA violation, its seems fans of both schools do not know, and have been at it for awhile now.  Maybe unprecedented as the social media world is ever changing.

Arizona is one of the top eight basketball schools in the nation if not top four. Coach Sean Miller is in the middle of building his program, and the team is better each and every year. The Wildcats have gotten much closer than Cal to making it to the final four and the championship, so its a hard choice to make.

Instead of deciding that glorious night, he decided to celebrate as he had just shot the winning free throw with seconds left to give his high school Bishop O’Dowd team the CIF State championship!

And look at his stats:

Here is some insight into what is making this decision so difficult for Rabb.

On April 3rd, just three days ago, after playing against Ivan in the McDonalds All-American game, Allonzo Trier gave public Rabb campaigning a shot:

And Rabb returned the favor:

Then the fans started in…

But then there is also the Cal Bears fans who aren’t giving up the ship! (we only included one he he)

Whatever Ivan Rabb decides, his school, team, fans and coach will love him, and we wish him much luck and success at the UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA!

Just kidding….


Next: Read all about Ryan Anderson, he can't wait to play for Arizona!

